Jared’s a Big Boy Running Campaign Thingies

At least as ridiculous as trump getting elected POTUs.  Jared running a POTUS campaign

. . .

Brad Parscale ‘took the bullet’ for Jared Kushner, Trump’s actual campaign manager

The Week  –>  https://theweek.com/speedreads/925860/brad-parscale-took-bullet-jared-kushner-trumps-actual-campaign-manager

Kush the Dooch

As someone who has been in the application process on both sides vetting for positions like this, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Jared Kushner even having the balls to THINK that an inexperienced MAMA’S BOY like him would be anything but LAUGHED AT UNCONTROLLABLY is, to me, absolutely hilarious.

Positions like these aren’t ones you can bullshit your way into and sure as F#CK aren’t ones your contact list and access to family $$ will save you from failing at.

Unless you just bought an entire management / promotions department with all that $$ and hired ppl who know WTF they’re doing that you know DICK about, you’re STILL toast.

And, to THAT, LOLOLOLOLOLOL on top of a bag of dicks and a manure truck filled with HAHAHAHAHAHAHA’S. If you think that ANYONE — on either side, even — are going to OUTSOURCE such a KEY division (god damn, ANY division of a campaign for an elective office? Give me a Jolly Green Giant-sized break, F#CKSSAKE.

Only a trump org that bankrupts multiple casinos and B-grade Steak companies would ever hire someone who would hire someone like jared. OMG, his existence outside the warm glow of his mommy’s daycare womb is just COMIC\\\

Anyway, Kushner.  One of the douchiest; least-qualified psudeo-racist mama’s boys to have ever slithered their way into the circle of influence of anyone more in a leadership position than a janitor with no keys to any rooms but the toilets.

Jared Kushner Douchebag Queen Vag Boy WP Preview



Apprentice Fake President

Trump Apprentice Douchebag A WP

Trump never wanted to be the President of America.  He’s just the reality show mobster not-particularly rich fraudster bankrupting and destroying every business he comes into contact with.  He’s a wannabe COKEHEAD too “brokahontas” to afford a proper coke habit, so he crushes up Adderol and snorts it like coke.  Cheap-ass trailer-dweller of a con-artist speed-freak.

Newsweek  –>  https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-snorted-adderall-apprentice-tom-arnold-noel-casler-1257787

Individual 1, here, was SHOCKED after — with Russian Intel assistance — the fix was in and he actually won the race.

Ta da.  Fake President douchebag.

Brings me to today’s claim that despite the damning Supreme Court decision (the Supreme Court he tried to stack in his Russian mobster favor, BTW), that he was going to defy everyone and get the “illegal alien” question on the 2020 census.

Washington Post  –>  https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/social-issues/2020-census-will-not-include-citizenship-question-doj-confirms/2019/07/02/0067be4a-9c44-11e9-9ed4-c9089972ad5a_story.html

Thing is, this douchebag isn’t a President.  He’s the Russian agent douchebag that the FSB ordered up and groomed for the role of U.S. President.  When this douchebag claims he’s pulling off BS like this NON-STARTER census attack on our Constitution, Individual 1 here has NO clue even what he thinks he’s trying to do.  He sees everything in terms of a publicity bump to his Apprentice ratings.

He has NO clue the realistic details of ANYTHING he does.  He throws out ignorant BS and like any reality show “star,” expects producers to figure out how to threaten their witless reality show directors to make it fit into an episode.

Key here is that our douchebag FAKE president has NO CLUE about ANYTHING he cons-on about.  There won’t be a question about citizenship on the U.S. census, and fuck sake, this douchebag FAKE President doesn’t have the authority in his burger-stained wet dreams to “delay the census” to somehow “appeal the Supreme Court.”

Trump and his Very Regular Census WP

Congress is calling for Trump to move forward on the long-standing census preparation schedule without a white nationalist citizenship question. Rep. Carolyn Maloney of New York just led a Congressional delegation demanding Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross — who oversees the Census Bureau — to send the census form without the question for printing by July 4.

“Only Congress has the authority to delay the census and must do so through the legislative process, which we have no intention of doing,” wrote the lawmakers in a letter to Ross that was released on Tuesday.

Trump Admin’s Delay In Census Printing Sets Up Count’s ‘Biggest Risk’

NPR  —https://www.npr.org/2019/07/02/737662103/trump-administrations-delay-in-census-printing-sets-up-count-s-biggest-risk

Op Ed:  God damn, what an ignorant douchebag.

“Grab ’em” Seminar Tix Selling Like Hotcakes [VID]

grab em by the pussy trump sign

Now that the U.S. Supreme Court is comfortably hostile to women; now that Republicans have forced through a drunken, angry, hyper-partisan, lying accused rapist on as the majority vote, “Grab ’em” seminars are all the rage.

Women are quite officially “breeder stock” and are no more than property.  It’s good that men can learn to grab random womens’ “pussies” with pro techniques so’s not to injure their fingers, hands, or arms.

Tickets are only $319, with proceeds being split between the Trump for President campaign, the Ku Klux Klan, and the NRA.


Collins Is About to . . .

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It kind of comes down to this.  Susan Collins is on the Senate Floor about to announce her vote on Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

EDIT 10-5

So, you know by now that Collins just read a defense of her choice to vote Yes on Kavanaugh.  After writing this, I did some D.C. to L.A. analysis with big little John and published this in Magnana Mouse:

Magnana Mouse  –>  https://magnanamouse.wordpress.com/2018/10/05/welcome-to-the-next-35-years/

Susan Collins just announced that she was a YES for Kavanaugh making it a 5-4 EXTREMIST RIGHT SUPREME COURT.  In an hour-long speech on the U.S. Senate floor, she tried to justify her decision to the women she just let down.  Every word came across as a plea for all of the women on the edge of their chairs NOT to stand up and walk away from her.


Didn’t work.  And, just like that, a yet-to-be-determined Democratic challenger to Collins in 2020 just received millions of dollars in grassroots campaign contributions.


The Hill  –>  https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/406812-crowdfunding-campaign-raises-13m-for-collins-to-vote-against-kavanaugh


Joe Manchin, bookend Democrat in West Virginia, was in favor of Kavanaugh.  He’s a socially conservative Southern Democrat.  Had Collins voted NO, he would not let women down by being the person who cast the deciding vote to put him on the Supreme Court.  But, Collins voted yes.  How he chose to vote would be neither here nor there.


It allowed him to vote in support of Kavanaugh.    The pro-Kavanaugh vote will likely ensure he keeps his seat  in the upcoming Midterm.  This confirmation of Kavanaugh will hurt the people of the United States for decades.


That said, the chances of the Democrats taking back the Senate in a month just spiked.


A whole lot of congressional investigations will begin on Nov. 7th.


Further, 2020 just got VERY ugly for the Trump-Putin-Repubican party.  Trump is toast  He’ll be impeached by the House.  And, should he somehow steal the election, as many believe he and Russia will try to do, there will likely be a super-majority of Democrats in Senate.  There is a good chance that:


1.   Both Kavanaugh an Clarence Thomas will be impeached.
2.   Ruth Bader Ginsburg will retire and be replaced.
3.   A Democratic President will replace all three with center-left judges.
4.  The days of Republican Gerrymandering and mass-suppression and mass incarceration in private prisons will come to an en.
5.  Congress will likely add two more judges to the Supreme Court and establish term limits on the position.  Likely 9-yr terms.

When the dust settles in 2021, there will be an 11-member court 8-3 Liberal.  There will be a Democratic super-majority in both the U.S. House and Senate.  On top of it all, there will be a DEMOCRAT in the Oval Office.  We will be DEEP in the process of undoing all of the damage that Trump and the Republican party have done to us.


We will be hard at work desperately trying to save the waning future of the planet.


We will be very busy reorganizing Healthcare, housing, and public education; fixing our crumbling infrastructure; saving all of the institutions that have been left bleeding on the floor after metaphorical gang rapes by the Trump-cult; and actually draining that swamp.


We WILL earn back our friendship an partnership with the world.


Today is the day we begin a REAL Revolution.


Killer Democrat Scares Pussy Republican WP.jpg

So, yeah, feeling good and looking up.  It’s going to suck for a minute but to be frank, this was the preferred outcome, long term.

Fight HARDER and let’s get this shit DONE!

Leahy Has Kavanaugh Expose Himself

Patrick Leahy tore the cardboard man in the brown shirt asunder.  Kavanaugh let loose on his desire to overturn Roe vs. Wade.  He then forcefully evaded answering whether or not he agreed with his written admission that he doesn’t think Trump can even be INVESTIGATED.

Leahy to Kavanaugh 1

Leahy to Kavanaugh 2

Leahy to Kavanaugh 3